Earth Time Continuum
In this wondrous universe living on planet Earth the sun rises and sun sets. On Earth, we feel, we learn and live with this pattern as if everyday were a new day and we could start from scratch. You can start from scratch. The only obstacle is you. It's nice to see the sun filtering through the window blind in the morning after a nice drive delivering people to their destinations. My dogs have barked and the cat enjoys a treat. I am tired for getting up so early but when I find myself getting tired I can tap into the energy of the Sun and the Universe and enliven myself. Yesterday, I went to Backpack Beginnings and had a nice time with the Core Members. The Core Members are a group of folks I work with at Peacehaven Community Farm. At Backpack Beginnings my AmeriCorps friend Emily helps lead this non-profit. We spent the morning sorting canned food and snacks on a table with a series of dates. We were to categorize each food it...