In The Shade of The Night Tree

We'll.  It rained today.  A lot.  I wanted to drive more than I did but I still made my "quota".  It's the foot/ankle/toe thing going on, hurting like a throbbing, dull, aching.  That's what driving does after a while when you have a fractured foot.    

It was nice today because I texted some friends.  Tomorrow I may see my brother and nephew again, the little tyke.  I will be on crutches still but, hey, it will be fun to hang out and get kicked by nephew a lot. That is what he did last time while we were sitting down at the table in the restaurant.  

In The Shade of The Night Tree

I'm going to allow some rest

in the shade of the night tree

where rest is allowed

and the cool wind beckons warmth under the pillows of stars;

comets remind me that we are not alone.

Earth time, Greensboro, NC.  At night.


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