Dragon Scales of Balance
Today I am going to write about balance as suggested by my Facebook friends.
One thing that comes to mind is a scale. There was an old scale at my step-grandfather's house. There were round gold looking weights on one end that were stacked up in a nested fashion one smaller then the one underneath it. On the other side there was usually some nuts with a nut cracker beside the nuts so that one could could crack open the shelled nuts, usually walnuts if I recall correctly. This was is Stone Mountain, Georgia where they throw lights on the mountains of the Confederate generals in a display of celebration during summer light shows set to music.
Balance is something of the mind. I notice when I am out of balance I am not feeling very well. My thoughts are jammed up and scattered and I may be worried or anxious. This is not fun. It happens quite frequently too. Some may say, go see a doc. Well, I may, but here I am writing, which is what I do to keep balance. I know others write too, the same way people play music or poker or masturbate. Or whatever, exercise.
Writing warms my heart. Helping others with things too helps. For instance, helping others to write is a way I stay in balance.
Within the word balance you will find the word lance. On one end of the lance is a point and on the other is someone holding it, say. We do this as a culture, hold lances. These days holding lances can be found at Renaissance or Medieval faires. I read about lances when I read Game of Thrones (GOT). The words, "stick them with the pointy end," comes to mind from GOT.
I am writing instead of reading Game of Thrones which I feel is balance.
When I was a kid, for a short while I practiced balancing on the balance beam. This was fun. My time as a gymnast was short lived but I clearly remember the inside of the gym, the beam and all the various balancing equipment.
I think of tai chi too. It would be nice to practice this activity with others. The practice of tai chi is great for learning to stay balanced as well as calming the mind and exercising the body.
My thoughts go to President Trump and the impeachment hearings. The hearings seem crazy at times, with the Republican representatives going off in a seemingly unbalanced way. Upon hearing the report from NPR about the hearings I suppose it is just what goes on in a court. They are standing up for what they believe in, and/or trying to hold on to their power.
Holding office is a constant balance of putting The State before oneself. Wielding power like this one must be in balance all the time or face the gauntlet of potential impeachment if things get really bad.
The Republicans argue that things are not really bad. That the charges are a hoax. Time will tell, and regardless of the outcome, I have learned a lot by listening to the hearings.
I am in favor of justice. The hearings are not political though many make it out to be. The hard facts are what the Democrats are sticking too. I suppose the Republicans are too, in their own way. It is hard when you are on the defensive side.
Balance in all aspects of life- work, family, personal time, friends, entertainment- is essential.
The planets are in careful balance with each other by this marvelous invisible force called gravity. I have heard gravity referred to as almost like a stretchy blanket where the planets kind of rest on this blanket and gravity bends in response to the mass of the planet. If a ball were rolled across the blanket, and depending on the weight of the ball, it would make an indentation in the fabric of gravity. If that ball were to roll close to the planet it would get pulled into its orbit by the indentation left by the planet like the moon orbiting our Earth.
I sometimes stand on the scale at the gym and look at my weight. When one steps on the scale one might think, "I am too heavy. I am just right. I am not heavy enough." I would like to think, "I am just right."
Thinking this, "I am just right," one is content with oneself just as they are. One may still want to lose a few pounds but they are okay with where they are knowing that change will happen. One may have to shed this skin to lose weight and that is okay too so long it is done in a natural fashion, i.e. closing ones eyes, saying goodbye to this plane of existence and going on to the next plane.
One will stay in balance when one knows their heart's desires. We know when we are aligned with our heart's desires when we are in a a state of joy. We can serve others but if it does not bring us joy then we are out of balance.
Life is always balancing itself out. There is that in-between state where things feel out of balance but perhaps that feeling is just the discomfort of say, getting stuck with the pointy end. Sometimes we need to get stuck to wake us up because for so long we have not been following our heart of hearts.
Joy and balance are connected. The scale tips, however, when joy and our true hearts desire, are outweighed by obligation, duty, and sacrifice.
There you are
i hope
is with you
knowing that others will find joy
when you
in that state of
In this wondrous universe, the wonder is in the small things that are really big like sitting down and taking the time to write. I thank you for the suggestion of writing about balance and for this time here with you, the reader. May you be happy and know that life is joyous.
p.s. my step-grandfather's scale looked an awful lot like this one displayed here:

p.s.s. Here are some dragon scales:
One thing that comes to mind is a scale. There was an old scale at my step-grandfather's house. There were round gold looking weights on one end that were stacked up in a nested fashion one smaller then the one underneath it. On the other side there was usually some nuts with a nut cracker beside the nuts so that one could could crack open the shelled nuts, usually walnuts if I recall correctly. This was is Stone Mountain, Georgia where they throw lights on the mountains of the Confederate generals in a display of celebration during summer light shows set to music.
Balance is something of the mind. I notice when I am out of balance I am not feeling very well. My thoughts are jammed up and scattered and I may be worried or anxious. This is not fun. It happens quite frequently too. Some may say, go see a doc. Well, I may, but here I am writing, which is what I do to keep balance. I know others write too, the same way people play music or poker or masturbate. Or whatever, exercise.
Writing warms my heart. Helping others with things too helps. For instance, helping others to write is a way I stay in balance.
Within the word balance you will find the word lance. On one end of the lance is a point and on the other is someone holding it, say. We do this as a culture, hold lances. These days holding lances can be found at Renaissance or Medieval faires. I read about lances when I read Game of Thrones (GOT). The words, "stick them with the pointy end," comes to mind from GOT.
I am writing instead of reading Game of Thrones which I feel is balance.
When I was a kid, for a short while I practiced balancing on the balance beam. This was fun. My time as a gymnast was short lived but I clearly remember the inside of the gym, the beam and all the various balancing equipment.
I think of tai chi too. It would be nice to practice this activity with others. The practice of tai chi is great for learning to stay balanced as well as calming the mind and exercising the body.
My thoughts go to President Trump and the impeachment hearings. The hearings seem crazy at times, with the Republican representatives going off in a seemingly unbalanced way. Upon hearing the report from NPR about the hearings I suppose it is just what goes on in a court. They are standing up for what they believe in, and/or trying to hold on to their power.
Holding office is a constant balance of putting The State before oneself. Wielding power like this one must be in balance all the time or face the gauntlet of potential impeachment if things get really bad.
The Republicans argue that things are not really bad. That the charges are a hoax. Time will tell, and regardless of the outcome, I have learned a lot by listening to the hearings.
I am in favor of justice. The hearings are not political though many make it out to be. The hard facts are what the Democrats are sticking too. I suppose the Republicans are too, in their own way. It is hard when you are on the defensive side.
Balance in all aspects of life- work, family, personal time, friends, entertainment- is essential.
The planets are in careful balance with each other by this marvelous invisible force called gravity. I have heard gravity referred to as almost like a stretchy blanket where the planets kind of rest on this blanket and gravity bends in response to the mass of the planet. If a ball were rolled across the blanket, and depending on the weight of the ball, it would make an indentation in the fabric of gravity. If that ball were to roll close to the planet it would get pulled into its orbit by the indentation left by the planet like the moon orbiting our Earth.
I sometimes stand on the scale at the gym and look at my weight. When one steps on the scale one might think, "I am too heavy. I am just right. I am not heavy enough." I would like to think, "I am just right."
Thinking this, "I am just right," one is content with oneself just as they are. One may still want to lose a few pounds but they are okay with where they are knowing that change will happen. One may have to shed this skin to lose weight and that is okay too so long it is done in a natural fashion, i.e. closing ones eyes, saying goodbye to this plane of existence and going on to the next plane.
One will stay in balance when one knows their heart's desires. We know when we are aligned with our heart's desires when we are in a a state of joy. We can serve others but if it does not bring us joy then we are out of balance.
Life is always balancing itself out. There is that in-between state where things feel out of balance but perhaps that feeling is just the discomfort of say, getting stuck with the pointy end. Sometimes we need to get stuck to wake us up because for so long we have not been following our heart of hearts.
Joy and balance are connected. The scale tips, however, when joy and our true hearts desire, are outweighed by obligation, duty, and sacrifice.
There you are
i hope
is with you
knowing that others will find joy
when you
in that state of
In this wondrous universe, the wonder is in the small things that are really big like sitting down and taking the time to write. I thank you for the suggestion of writing about balance and for this time here with you, the reader. May you be happy and know that life is joyous.
p.s. my step-grandfather's scale looked an awful lot like this one displayed here:
p.s.s. Here are some dragon scales:

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