Sound, No Sound
A Facebook friend recommended I write about deafness.
I think of Helen Keller. I saw this play in high school. I remember the actress very clearly. She was very dramatic! I know she worked so hard to achieve what she did.
Being deaf, as a state of being, is living without one sense, hearing. I wonder what it is like to not hear the external world but only hear your thoughts? I wonder what it would be like to imagine what a dog sounds like barking having never heard a dog bark. It is like a silent movie and you have to imagine what the sounds might sound like. Or maybe you do not think about the sound at all.
It would be interesting to get a person's who is deaf take on what it is like to not have that sense.
Here is a short video I found on what it is like to communicate while being deaf. The primary narrator, Rachel, says that communication is never a given. Interestingly, that being deaf may be somewhat analogous to writing. I am communicating without speaking. I am translating my thoughts through this keyboard and you on your end are hearing them in the voice that you imagine I am speaking in or you just hear my writing voice in your own voice as your own inner hearing voice. Does that make sense? What does my writing voice sound like to you? As I am writing this I am having a profound experience into what it might be like to be deaf. No kidding.
Thank you video to opening me up to this reality of deafness, and thank you Facebook friend for suggesting it! It is why I am here besides me asking you all on Facebook about things to write about. So ultimately I am here because of me. Or is it because of someone else, God? Causes and conditions?
I imagine putting on those sound blocking headphones where everything sounds blunted. That would be worse, I think, to hear just a little but not completely as if life were just muffled.
But to be completely deaf? Wow. No hearing at all.
Sign language. That is how one would speak without being able to hear oneself or others. Some do speak without sign (by reading lips) or maybe in addition to. Whoever invented sign language, I am sure, was deaf. They did it out of necessity. Perhaps it was hunter-gatherers who wanted to be silent- out of necessity.
It is said that a persons other senses are heightened when one is not there. Touch, sight, taste, and smell. So maybe someone who is deaf can smell things that I cannot. I wonder if a bowl of tomato soup smells better to him or her? A flower?
I think I suffered some hearing loss as a wee lad. I cried a lot. It was found out that I had some kind of ear infection and an operation had to be done on my ear. One ear is closer to my head than that other when the doctor, I assume, sewed it back up. I wonder if that affected my early learning, not having that full ear capacity for a little while? Maybe that explains why I a the way I am?
I think I remember losing my hearing temporarily. Maybe it was when I smacked a mailbox when riding my bike and went flying through the air and was knocked out. Or maybe it was when that boy punched me in the face (after I had punched him two or three times, his punch packed a lot more bite, I think, just so you know). There was the ringing in the ears. Which is a sound but I did at least achieve the sensation of having some hearing loss. Like I was wearing those ear mufflers.
It creates a kind of quiet. I think that part would be nice. There is always the silence. Some do not like the silence but I appreciate it. Of course, when I think of silence I think of being out in nature where there is no industrial sounds, only nature. But I am think of someone in their apartment and the only sound they hear is their thoughts. And maybe when they are meditating and their thoughts disappear then there is just the absence of all sound and thought. I think I block out sound sometimes when I meditate, or that it just happens naturally, you put them (the sounds) in the background.
Turn off the light, alone in a darkened room, without sound. Depriving oneself of the seen sense. It is like Socrates in his cave.
I think of Stevie Wonder without his sight. He hears amazingly I would say. Put those two together, the absence of sight and sound, complete darkness. That was how Helen Keller was. Alone in the void, alone with oneself.
I wonder what it is like to experience that? I think I would want a dog for sure to remind me that all is well. I would certainly rely on the touch sense. Smelling and tasting, those too, but I do not think I would go around tasting everything. Certainly smelling though.
It would seem that those senses would be even more heightened if one had only three senses.
And to continue, with a loss of touch in addition to sound and sight. Left with only taste and smell. Complete numbness. That would be difficult with no touch sense. How would one even walk if they could not feel the ground? They would have to smell their way through life.
And if the smell were gone? Please give me a martini.
And with no sense at all, all is left is your sixth sense. One might be clair-knowing and feeling but if you were, how would one communicate that without the standard five senses? They would have to do it by the mind only and would need people who could tap into that as well.
That is like being in meditation. Communicating with consciousness or with, one might say, Spirit, the unseen, angels and dragons. Ones third eye might be highly developed in this way without the five senses.
Thank you for this suggestion to write about deafness.
In this wondrous universe we have what is called the five senses and they are such a gift. We have what is called the sixth sense too. Our intuition may even be a seventh sense. An eighth sense may be to sense energy, and a ninth to see without seeing, within our third eye, or communicate with high life forms from different dimensions, a tenth sense.
Thank you for all of my senses, able to experience life in this way. I wonder if I may gain or lose any sense as time, so called, goes by? I wonder what I will choose? If in fact, you believe there is a choice.

the wind whispers silently
the leaves fall
touching the ground
the waves crash
and boom
i can only imagine
the screech of the cars' tires
will you describe it to me?
this is what it tastes like, it tastes like green apples, so tart
this is what is looks like, swerving, abruptly stopping
this is what is feels like, scratching on the skin
this is what it smells like, melting rubber
this is what it sounds like
it sounds like you peed yourself, so uncomfortable
I think of Helen Keller. I saw this play in high school. I remember the actress very clearly. She was very dramatic! I know she worked so hard to achieve what she did.
Being deaf, as a state of being, is living without one sense, hearing. I wonder what it is like to not hear the external world but only hear your thoughts? I wonder what it would be like to imagine what a dog sounds like barking having never heard a dog bark. It is like a silent movie and you have to imagine what the sounds might sound like. Or maybe you do not think about the sound at all.
It would be interesting to get a person's who is deaf take on what it is like to not have that sense.
Here is a short video I found on what it is like to communicate while being deaf. The primary narrator, Rachel, says that communication is never a given. Interestingly, that being deaf may be somewhat analogous to writing. I am communicating without speaking. I am translating my thoughts through this keyboard and you on your end are hearing them in the voice that you imagine I am speaking in or you just hear my writing voice in your own voice as your own inner hearing voice. Does that make sense? What does my writing voice sound like to you? As I am writing this I am having a profound experience into what it might be like to be deaf. No kidding.
Thank you video to opening me up to this reality of deafness, and thank you Facebook friend for suggesting it! It is why I am here besides me asking you all on Facebook about things to write about. So ultimately I am here because of me. Or is it because of someone else, God? Causes and conditions?
I imagine putting on those sound blocking headphones where everything sounds blunted. That would be worse, I think, to hear just a little but not completely as if life were just muffled.
But to be completely deaf? Wow. No hearing at all.
Sign language. That is how one would speak without being able to hear oneself or others. Some do speak without sign (by reading lips) or maybe in addition to. Whoever invented sign language, I am sure, was deaf. They did it out of necessity. Perhaps it was hunter-gatherers who wanted to be silent- out of necessity.
It is said that a persons other senses are heightened when one is not there. Touch, sight, taste, and smell. So maybe someone who is deaf can smell things that I cannot. I wonder if a bowl of tomato soup smells better to him or her? A flower?
I think I suffered some hearing loss as a wee lad. I cried a lot. It was found out that I had some kind of ear infection and an operation had to be done on my ear. One ear is closer to my head than that other when the doctor, I assume, sewed it back up. I wonder if that affected my early learning, not having that full ear capacity for a little while? Maybe that explains why I a the way I am?
I think I remember losing my hearing temporarily. Maybe it was when I smacked a mailbox when riding my bike and went flying through the air and was knocked out. Or maybe it was when that boy punched me in the face (after I had punched him two or three times, his punch packed a lot more bite, I think, just so you know). There was the ringing in the ears. Which is a sound but I did at least achieve the sensation of having some hearing loss. Like I was wearing those ear mufflers.
It creates a kind of quiet. I think that part would be nice. There is always the silence. Some do not like the silence but I appreciate it. Of course, when I think of silence I think of being out in nature where there is no industrial sounds, only nature. But I am think of someone in their apartment and the only sound they hear is their thoughts. And maybe when they are meditating and their thoughts disappear then there is just the absence of all sound and thought. I think I block out sound sometimes when I meditate, or that it just happens naturally, you put them (the sounds) in the background.
Turn off the light, alone in a darkened room, without sound. Depriving oneself of the seen sense. It is like Socrates in his cave.
I think of Stevie Wonder without his sight. He hears amazingly I would say. Put those two together, the absence of sight and sound, complete darkness. That was how Helen Keller was. Alone in the void, alone with oneself.
I wonder what it is like to experience that? I think I would want a dog for sure to remind me that all is well. I would certainly rely on the touch sense. Smelling and tasting, those too, but I do not think I would go around tasting everything. Certainly smelling though.
It would seem that those senses would be even more heightened if one had only three senses.
And to continue, with a loss of touch in addition to sound and sight. Left with only taste and smell. Complete numbness. That would be difficult with no touch sense. How would one even walk if they could not feel the ground? They would have to smell their way through life.
And if the smell were gone? Please give me a martini.
And with no sense at all, all is left is your sixth sense. One might be clair-knowing and feeling but if you were, how would one communicate that without the standard five senses? They would have to do it by the mind only and would need people who could tap into that as well.
That is like being in meditation. Communicating with consciousness or with, one might say, Spirit, the unseen, angels and dragons. Ones third eye might be highly developed in this way without the five senses.
Thank you for this suggestion to write about deafness.
In this wondrous universe we have what is called the five senses and they are such a gift. We have what is called the sixth sense too. Our intuition may even be a seventh sense. An eighth sense may be to sense energy, and a ninth to see without seeing, within our third eye, or communicate with high life forms from different dimensions, a tenth sense.
Thank you for all of my senses, able to experience life in this way. I wonder if I may gain or lose any sense as time, so called, goes by? I wonder what I will choose? If in fact, you believe there is a choice.

the wind whispers silently
the leaves fall
touching the ground
the waves crash
and boom
i can only imagine
the screech of the cars' tires
will you describe it to me?
this is what it tastes like, it tastes like green apples, so tart
this is what is looks like, swerving, abruptly stopping
this is what is feels like, scratching on the skin
this is what it smells like, melting rubber
this is what it sounds like
it sounds like you peed yourself, so uncomfortable
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