This Life of Love
I put a call out to Facebook friends for words, themes, quotes, subjects, objects to write about. This word came up: love. So I'll write about love!!
Love is really rather simple. Some know it really well! Listen, this is the word that comes to mind.
During my day today there were lots of loving moments, even in the news. It is loving it all, loving the unfolding.
We are all in a place where we are at, all learning about this love that we are gifted. Love is a choice, to be loving or not. Underneath all that not loving is all our loving. Underneath it all is that which we really are, love.
When we tap into love we are truly listening. Some are really keen on this. Miracles happen when we listen.
there is so much to say about love
and love has little to say
but more to do
more to simply be
happy with the way things are
just as they are
love moves us
to do
it feeds us
it feeds our desire to be more loving
i see my friends face in my minds eye
my friends faces
we can feel so incomplete
we can feel so tapped in
where we are transformed
and there is only the moment
and then it feels as if it is gone
and we are back to our so-called ordinary selves
back to our thoughts
back to the world
back to our life
back to being here on Earth and living where life is teaching us about love
there is magic in the fantastic
the voyage
the going out and doing
something different and wild and unique
something adventurous
that we will always remember
then we come back to our everyday life
and we share it
and then we listen to others
and then we have to listen some more
and then we interject
and we speak
our words
and we learn to listen more deeply
and we learn not to hold back
we learn that to be grateful is sometimes to hold back
we learn when to say
and when not to say
sometimes in the holding back there is love
the silence speaks
as you know
and we listen to the silence
and our thoughts fill in the unspoken
so many masters have taught us all about it
and there are so many myths about them
the stories
like here now
during the holidays
then the holidays are over
and a new year begins
this time
we will do better, we say, and learn to love more
we learn to love ourselves more
we say no
we say yes
it is the ever unfolding
the ever growing
the ever learning
the ever reflecting
the ever forever
the ever forever
in our heart
and the thankfulness of the gesture for allowing me to be with you
just for a moment
the allowing of
whatever comes up to come up
and then looking up and out
seeing with appreciation
listening with an open mind
knowing that all is well
being content with the mystery that is ever unfolding around us
and within us
and the continuing on
creating the next moment in our life
here on Earth
experiencing love in motion
on this material spiritual plane
love love
in our hearts
transferring to everything we touch
and give our thoughts to
thoughts from the transcending magic of the heart
ever forever
what has come
will one day pass
and what is to be
comes from
the magic
that is you
dear one
the magic that is you
human born
transcending that which you may think you are and nurturing that which you are here to be
the unique person that is you
made and created from the ultimate form of love
that is

Love is really rather simple. Some know it really well! Listen, this is the word that comes to mind.
During my day today there were lots of loving moments, even in the news. It is loving it all, loving the unfolding.
We are all in a place where we are at, all learning about this love that we are gifted. Love is a choice, to be loving or not. Underneath all that not loving is all our loving. Underneath it all is that which we really are, love.
When we tap into love we are truly listening. Some are really keen on this. Miracles happen when we listen.
there is so much to say about love
and love has little to say
but more to do
more to simply be
happy with the way things are
just as they are
love moves us
to do
it feeds us
it feeds our desire to be more loving
i see my friends face in my minds eye
my friends faces
we can feel so incomplete
we can feel so tapped in
where we are transformed
and there is only the moment
and then it feels as if it is gone
and we are back to our so-called ordinary selves
back to our thoughts
back to the world
back to our life
back to being here on Earth and living where life is teaching us about love
there is magic in the fantastic
the voyage
the going out and doing
something different and wild and unique
something adventurous
that we will always remember
then we come back to our everyday life
and we share it
and then we listen to others
and then we have to listen some more
and then we interject
and we speak
our words
and we learn to listen more deeply
and we learn not to hold back
we learn that to be grateful is sometimes to hold back
we learn when to say
and when not to say
sometimes in the holding back there is love
the silence speaks
as you know
and we listen to the silence
and our thoughts fill in the unspoken
so many masters have taught us all about it
and there are so many myths about them
the stories
like here now
during the holidays
then the holidays are over
and a new year begins
this time
we will do better, we say, and learn to love more
we learn to love ourselves more
we say no
we say yes
it is the ever unfolding
the ever growing
the ever learning
the ever reflecting
the ever forever
the ever forever
in our heart
and the thankfulness of the gesture for allowing me to be with you
just for a moment
the allowing of
whatever comes up to come up
and then looking up and out
seeing with appreciation
listening with an open mind
knowing that all is well
being content with the mystery that is ever unfolding around us
and within us
and the continuing on
creating the next moment in our life
here on Earth
experiencing love in motion
on this material spiritual plane
love love
in our hearts
transferring to everything we touch
and give our thoughts to
thoughts from the transcending magic of the heart
ever forever
what has come
will one day pass
and what is to be
comes from
the magic
that is you
dear one
the magic that is you
human born
transcending that which you may think you are and nurturing that which you are here to be
the unique person that is you
made and created from the ultimate form of love
that is

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