The Front Lines
I have been feeling sad lately. Things seemed to be going along relatively smoothly then the proverbial shit hit the fan. Now many are scrambling to the grocery store to buy up all the goods. Some people have been preparing for this for many years. Perhaps they are in their hidden bunker now, tucked away. Maybe some of you have survival kits at the ready. Many are being extremely cautious, some are not. The people I meet and see give me a taste of how serious I am taking our current state of affairs. For me, probably many, it is always a mixture of feelings and thoughts.
Today I drove for Lyft for a bit. One passenger got right in my front seat. He could see that my sweatshirt was occupying the seat but that didn't matter to him so I moved it. As we were getting ready to depart I admitted to him that I was uncomfortable with him being so close to me with the Corona virus going around. He kind of chuckled and I admitted that it probably didn't make much difference whether he was in the front or back seat, we would still be within very close and contained proximity.
I met another guy on the road. He was out asking for money and promoting a Jesus-based program to help people with addiction. He came right up to my window and I almost didn't roll it down. He came right up to me within a foot. I told him I wasn't going to give him money but that I would accept his flyer and have a look.
My Americorps site, Peacehaven, is closed. I plan to go help out at Backpack Beginnings, a non-profit that provides free food, clothing, and books to impoverished children. I still need to get my Americorps hours in. I hope that I stay in a place of love and without fear. That is the battle going on with many of us. But we can lay down our swords. The Corona virus cannot be put to battle. In a way, in many ways, it has already won. Jesus can't save you. No one can. There is nothing to be saved from.
I know that I am creating my own reality with my loves and my fears. Which one will win- love and its sheer luster or fear with its murky muck? The only way to survive this mess and transform fear is to love.
If we accept that we are here to learn to love more deeply then whatever we experience here on Earth, either by creating it consciously or subconsciously, is for our soul's learning to expand and grow.
I do hope you all are being safe and caring for yourselves. Some of us feel like we need to be on the front lines and continue our mission, whatever that may be. But maybe I can be in the place of love always and simply go out and help others with whatever it is. When one stays in a state of love whatever comes near it is transformed.
In this wondrous universe may you know that you are pure love and that whatever you encounter is transformed by it.
P.s. This cute little guy is a rare bird from the Philippines. It's called a South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher. I think he or she is showing itself now because the world needs to brighten up a bit.
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