These Times Of
In times of social distancing, which is rather an odd phrase- it reminds of China when they took over Tibet and had all the kids learning Chinese instead of Tibetan learning, what's that called enculturation?- we can take the time to write.
In times when things are not quite at all the usual, though for me things have gone pretty much as usual. I am no longer at Peacehaven for the time being but maybe I will be able to do some online learning with the residents that I work with there that are now at home. Fortunately I have been able to pick up hours at Backpack Beginnings, a warehouse and non-profit involved with Americorps and the Partnership to End Homelessness, by packing food for school-aged kids.
In this time of uncertainty people still want to act as if nothing has changed. We might find ourselves being angry because we no longer have a job. We might be angry because Corona Virus is seemingly not that big of a deal and so why is everyone making a big deal of it? I know that world-wide many are dead. World- wide. 5000 in Italy alone and over 3000 in China where this accidentally released virus from a laboratory that no one wants to admit has wreaked havoc upon the Earth. I have my sources, sources which I trust and have for over fifteen years. What I speak of is Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll.
In this time of global pandemic, something that none of us living today on Earth have yet experienced, times can be tough. We are asked to isolate. To be away from people and take good care of ourselves. The senate is rushing to put through a stimulus package to keep the economy afloat and provide aid to people most dramatically affected. That is how I see it. I have heard that this pandemic is not political, and indeed it is not. It is biological. It is nice though that we are starting to work together and put politics aside during times of strife.
In this time of isolation and reflection I come back to my routine. I do interact with others by continuing to drive for Lyft. I drove a man to his place of work which will soon be closing for a few weeks. I picked up four young women from a hotel who seemingly were having fun with others the night previously since one of them came out of the hotel with a pair of purple underwear on her head.
We can let our anger flare, and good, so then we may let it go and take a look at the root of this anger. We may feel left out and expendable. How necessary are we? Is our job essential? What to do now? A lot of people are online and doing the social media thing. Lots of great things are happening with online offerings. People are starting to use technology, (finally) for the good of the whole, for their practice and therefore making it accessible to many more people who cannot be there in-person during non-pandemic times. Hurray!
During this time of fucked up outer-space shit where we get to fantasize about this, that, and the other we can release and let go and take a few breaths and come back to ourselves and discover why we really came to this planet. We can find out what matters to us really and know ourselves a little bit better. We can pick up a project that we started but didn't finish. We can start something new that challenges us and/or makes our heart sing. Maybe we'll join an online choir or start baking chocolate zucchini bread which I find rather delicious. My address is... you can pm me.
When I was out with the dogs in the woods on the trail with them running around off-leash we came upon folks with dogs, and it was good, everyone was friendly, and my dogs were well behaved. We came across joggers and walkers and birds and turtles, tadpoles, sunshine and trees and everything in nature you might imagine except for monkeys and long extinct dinosaurs. We did come across a relative of a dinosaur, I assume, which I have already mentioned- a turtle. Though this particular turtle has already joined the dinosaurs or it simply grew a new shell. How does that work anyways? Do turtles crawl out of their shells and grow new ones or does the one they have continue to expand and grow with the turtle? What I found on the ground as a sat to look out at the water and enjoy and breath was a turtle shell that had turned white with age. It was perfectly placed facing the water, about three feet from it, like the turtle had left its shell and crawled into the water. I thought for a moment, this is the perfect metaphor for our time right now- a turtle out of its shell. It is vulnerable but it now has room to grow. It is shedding its past and can move into the future with a fresh start, if it can get through this time of vulnerability. How can it do that? Well, it would probably go chill in the water or crawl under a tree and hide until it grew back its shell. It could also ask another friendly turtle to look out for it while it is growing its shell back. We our completely out of our shells and comfort zones. When this happens we become more alert and aware of our surroundings and maybe we question a bit more and ask ourselves where do I want to go next?
In this grand and wondrous universe on this little exotic place called Earth that offers so much to us and indeed it does care for us as evidenced by the blooming of the flowers showing us that things, in fact, do pass, we are given an opportunity to grow and learn and come together with responsibility and compassion. When we embrace love and release hate we grow a little wiser, become a little more clear, and see each other a little differently. We can see each other as part of one grand whole that we call God, not separate but a part of. And in being a piece of God we are everything that is God. In the book of Luke in the bible it says that the Kingdom of God is within you. During this quiet time you may see that Jesus was just a messenger to let us all know that we are no different than him.
I hope you have an informed and inspired day. May the sunshine upon you and the love of the universe that is you shine from you.
In times when things are not quite at all the usual, though for me things have gone pretty much as usual. I am no longer at Peacehaven for the time being but maybe I will be able to do some online learning with the residents that I work with there that are now at home. Fortunately I have been able to pick up hours at Backpack Beginnings, a warehouse and non-profit involved with Americorps and the Partnership to End Homelessness, by packing food for school-aged kids.
In this time of uncertainty people still want to act as if nothing has changed. We might find ourselves being angry because we no longer have a job. We might be angry because Corona Virus is seemingly not that big of a deal and so why is everyone making a big deal of it? I know that world-wide many are dead. World- wide. 5000 in Italy alone and over 3000 in China where this accidentally released virus from a laboratory that no one wants to admit has wreaked havoc upon the Earth. I have my sources, sources which I trust and have for over fifteen years. What I speak of is Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll.
In this time of global pandemic, something that none of us living today on Earth have yet experienced, times can be tough. We are asked to isolate. To be away from people and take good care of ourselves. The senate is rushing to put through a stimulus package to keep the economy afloat and provide aid to people most dramatically affected. That is how I see it. I have heard that this pandemic is not political, and indeed it is not. It is biological. It is nice though that we are starting to work together and put politics aside during times of strife.
In this time of isolation and reflection I come back to my routine. I do interact with others by continuing to drive for Lyft. I drove a man to his place of work which will soon be closing for a few weeks. I picked up four young women from a hotel who seemingly were having fun with others the night previously since one of them came out of the hotel with a pair of purple underwear on her head.
We can let our anger flare, and good, so then we may let it go and take a look at the root of this anger. We may feel left out and expendable. How necessary are we? Is our job essential? What to do now? A lot of people are online and doing the social media thing. Lots of great things are happening with online offerings. People are starting to use technology, (finally) for the good of the whole, for their practice and therefore making it accessible to many more people who cannot be there in-person during non-pandemic times. Hurray!
During this time of fucked up outer-space shit where we get to fantasize about this, that, and the other we can release and let go and take a few breaths and come back to ourselves and discover why we really came to this planet. We can find out what matters to us really and know ourselves a little bit better. We can pick up a project that we started but didn't finish. We can start something new that challenges us and/or makes our heart sing. Maybe we'll join an online choir or start baking chocolate zucchini bread which I find rather delicious. My address is... you can pm me.
When I was out with the dogs in the woods on the trail with them running around off-leash we came upon folks with dogs, and it was good, everyone was friendly, and my dogs were well behaved. We came across joggers and walkers and birds and turtles, tadpoles, sunshine and trees and everything in nature you might imagine except for monkeys and long extinct dinosaurs. We did come across a relative of a dinosaur, I assume, which I have already mentioned- a turtle. Though this particular turtle has already joined the dinosaurs or it simply grew a new shell. How does that work anyways? Do turtles crawl out of their shells and grow new ones or does the one they have continue to expand and grow with the turtle? What I found on the ground as a sat to look out at the water and enjoy and breath was a turtle shell that had turned white with age. It was perfectly placed facing the water, about three feet from it, like the turtle had left its shell and crawled into the water. I thought for a moment, this is the perfect metaphor for our time right now- a turtle out of its shell. It is vulnerable but it now has room to grow. It is shedding its past and can move into the future with a fresh start, if it can get through this time of vulnerability. How can it do that? Well, it would probably go chill in the water or crawl under a tree and hide until it grew back its shell. It could also ask another friendly turtle to look out for it while it is growing its shell back. We our completely out of our shells and comfort zones. When this happens we become more alert and aware of our surroundings and maybe we question a bit more and ask ourselves where do I want to go next?
In this grand and wondrous universe on this little exotic place called Earth that offers so much to us and indeed it does care for us as evidenced by the blooming of the flowers showing us that things, in fact, do pass, we are given an opportunity to grow and learn and come together with responsibility and compassion. When we embrace love and release hate we grow a little wiser, become a little more clear, and see each other a little differently. We can see each other as part of one grand whole that we call God, not separate but a part of. And in being a piece of God we are everything that is God. In the book of Luke in the bible it says that the Kingdom of God is within you. During this quiet time you may see that Jesus was just a messenger to let us all know that we are no different than him.
I hope you have an informed and inspired day. May the sunshine upon you and the love of the universe that is you shine from you.

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