
Showing posts from April, 2020

TP Finds You When You Need It

Hello friends.  I am surrounded by books, pictures, crystals, machine washing, cat, fresh air (as far as I know- the window is open and the birds chirp), all the good things.  Some of you may be with your families, or your loved one (who may be driving you crazy), or whatever the case may be- I hope you are well. I am well.  It feels good to get out and drive for a bit and then thinking of that frozen Snickers, pass it up and go to the food store you haven't been to in a while and find tp, ice cream, pizza, and several other assorted goodies.  I have not yet run out of tp, thank the Maker. You may find yourself watching movies lately.  Myself, I've been watching a Star Trek series called Deep Space Nine .  I am very glad for it.  There are like 7 seasons with at least twenty episodes, about 40 to 45 minutes a piece.  That's enough for a while.  I usually watch an episode a day, sometimes two when I am really chillaxin. Sometimes you can...

Letting Love Blossom

Hi All.  I hope you are very well.  Spring is here, here in Greensboro.  It has been here for some weeks.  The birds outside chirp and the garden grows.  Cold, a little bit, here.  It is a cozy time.  I am still in my pajamas and it's almost 11 o' clock.  Sunday, a day when many people during this time may take time to be with Spirit. Being with Spirit is a time to reflect that what we are doing does have consequences.  What we are thinking and doing now will create our futures.  What have you been thinking and doing? I have been taking time and writing music.  This has been fun.  I enjoy playing it for people on Facebook Live.  Playing and writing a song is a puzzle.  You have to figure it out.  Mostly I let it flow out- the lyrics, the chords, the melodies.  With each strum I get a little better at finding the right chord or note. We have been called to serve during this time- to do something to pitc...

Here I Am and So There You Are

Social isolation.  Masturbation.  Dance.  Garden.  Washer.  My dogs and cat are my biggest need at the moment.  I need to take them out when it is time to take them out but I have been taking them out in more fun ways, more often.  They could really use a bath right now due to all that fun.  But I don't need to give them a bath but I probably will at some point.  Those "at some points" can pile up.  For instance, I have been wanting to create more garden beds and I even found the wood to do so but I don't have a saw or a drill but I have a hammer so I need nails.  This requires a trip or the borrowing of a saw.  I thought about going to my mom and step dads' place but there is this whole coronavirus thing going around and I don't want to potentially expose them to this sometimes deadly disease- they are smokers and both older than 50.  I will probably suck it up and go to Home Depot or Lowe's.  I would like to get a s...

Taking Time

We're cruising right along in these pandemic times.  Lately I have been working in a warehouse packing food for families into boxes.  The past few days I have gotten intimately familiar with little plastic containers of pears and peaches, plastic boxes of individual cereal bowls, cans of mac and chess and ravioli.  Volunteers come and pick up these bags of food to distribute to families at local pickup-points, all schools, as far as I know.  This has got me thinking.  I wonder if we could start a gardening program that showed kids and families how to grow their own food.  Canned food is great but it is not that nutritious and there is no deep connection with the Earth in opening a can of food and eating it.  Plus is does not really help the problem of food insecurity by relying on others so much.  I feel like teaching people to plant a garden and working directly with the Earth would be more valuable.  I have enjoyed working in a warehouse an...