Letting Love Blossom

Hi All.  I hope you are very well.  Spring is here, here in Greensboro.  It has been here for some weeks.  The birds outside chirp and the garden grows.  Cold, a little bit, here.  It is a cozy time.  I am still in my pajamas and it's almost 11 o' clock.  Sunday, a day when many people during this time may take time to be with Spirit.

Being with Spirit is a time to reflect that what we are doing does have consequences.  What we are thinking and doing now will create our futures.  What have you been thinking and doing?

I have been taking time and writing music.  This has been fun.  I enjoy playing it for people on Facebook Live.  Playing and writing a song is a puzzle.  You have to figure it out.  Mostly I let it flow out- the lyrics, the chords, the melodies.  With each strum I get a little better at finding the right chord or note.

We have been called to serve during this time- to do something to pitch in to help others.  The whole world is experiencing the pandemic and experiencing it each individually in their own way but there is a greater confluence of energy that is moving around the planet and what I mean by that is that change is here.  This time offers a great chance to change.

Each time I meet up with my friends on Facebook or Zoom I get a message that it is time to look more closely and flow and be and change.  To offer something different than what I have always offered.  Different but the same.  It is like peeling the layer of the onion.  You're still the onion but once a layer has been pulled back you are able to offer something a bit more close to the core of the onion.  In the core is pure love.  Within that pure love- with getting closer to that pure love- we find ourselves being more compassionate and able to listen more deeply and confuse the situation a little less by adding lower thought-vibrations such as fear, anger, and anxiety.

We can be like the Zen priest and stare at the wall without flinching, basking in the wallness.  We can be just as we are basking in our Self in tune with nature, the multitude of birds and wildlife outside and, maybe, in the nooks and crannies of our homes.

We are in our homes; still on lock down.  That is how it is at the moment, and time to pull out the puzzle, write that line of poetry, paint that wall, or strum the infinite string of the universe that you are.

A Zen priest looks at the person who is dying in the bed with the infinite compassion of the Universe.  One might say to them that is dying, "Are you ready?"  And if "Yes", then what next?  What will be the next step in the journey if you choose to leave the Planet?  If, "No", then what are you passionate about to choose to stay here and live a bit longer on the planet Earth?

I found myself sending Reiki to my plants in my garden this morning.  I didn't stop there, I sent it to the soil too.  Then I asked the fairies and garden Elemental's to help create an abundant and healthy garden.  This is what I would ask of myself and the angels.  I want to create a healthy inner-world so that I can be of love and light to the outer-world, and offer, and be a part of, all the good things.  And when the challenge comes I see it as something that I can nourish my soul with so that I can learn to feel away another layer and be closer to the source of pure love.

Each of us is an onion in a soup of multi-dimensional love that continues on and on forever without beginning or end.  Each of us has a part of us that is not fully here but is on the Other Side.  We can tap into that part at any moment and feel a greater love than we may be currently feeling.  All you have to do is give intent.

Dear Spirit, I ask to be more closer aligned to my Soul and to pure love.  I wish to be able to look closer at my life and feel, and peel, all the layers away that are keeping me from experiencing my full self that is love.  Allow me to learn and grow in grace and see the opportunity for growth rather than avoid it.  Help me be and see and hear and go and meet the people I need to meet so that I can more fully align with my desires for the greatest good of all.

In this wondrous universe, I look forward to being in the sun and continuing to nourish my garden of soul, music, plants, pets, friends, work, play and family that is exactly who they are, and exactly who we are, which is Divine.

Rooting Hormone For Plant Propagation: How It Works And More 


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