Here I Am and So There You Are

Social isolation.  Masturbation.  Dance.  Garden.  Washer.  My dogs and cat are my biggest need at the moment.  I need to take them out when it is time to take them out but I have been taking them out in more fun ways, more often.  They could really use a bath right now due to all that fun.  But I don't need to give them a bath but I probably will at some point.  Those "at some points" can pile up.  For instance, I have been wanting to create more garden beds and I even found the wood to do so but I don't have a saw or a drill but I have a hammer so I need nails.  This requires a trip or the borrowing of a saw.  I thought about going to my mom and step dads' place but there is this whole coronavirus thing going around and I don't want to potentially expose them to this sometimes deadly disease- they are smokers and both older than 50.  I will probably suck it up and go to Home Depot or Lowe's.  I would like to get a saw at the pawn shop but I am doubtful they are open.  Why do some stores get to be open and others not?  Seems to me Goodwill and the local pawn shop provide just as many essential items as Walmart and the items are being reused. 

It is easy (perhaps) to go in the direction of self-righteousness, ill-will, hate, injustice, panic, condemnation, etc.  It may be more difficult, and perhaps even painful, to go the more difficult route of being caring and considerate and thinking of others.  This "thinking of others" may even include yourself.  Perhaps you have been condemning or overly critiquing and maybe those default modes that you go to are well-worn and have no function other than to serve the habit itself and maybe a moment or two of satisfaction.  It is like when one is a bully and makes fun of another for the name they choose to give themselves or the food they choose to eat.  Imagine being made fun of by the food choice one may make.  No, these times are for self-critique (but be gentle) and thinking of others by doing what you can do for others in a safe way.  It is said that one cannot truly move forward in frustration and expect the result to be happiness.  We are being afforded the grand opportunity to move forward with a clean slate because we have all the time (most of us) to recalibrate and focus on what makes us happy and not what makes us frustrated.  We get to recalibrate and let go of the things that may harm our self, or others; things that are not be uplifting.  Now we get to take a close look at what we do that may be a never-ending cycle of suffering and come out of it with a new way of being.  It is nice to slow down a bit because we get to allow more time for reflection and come to that happy place.  We can be a little messy and leave the guitar in the kitchen instead of putting it in its case.  Or maybe we can be inventive and design a guitar stand so that the instrument is always ready to go at a moments notice. 

I don't get to hug that one I wish to hug anymore.  I have to, I must, I do sit with myself and bask in the moment and then I can share that with others.  There are other ways to express love other than physical touch.  Your mind may take you off in the direction of longing; to a potential future; to an imagining.  But the birds are singing and there are gardens to be built.  Those things I can hear and do.  I don't have to just imagine them.  Action, dammit man, action.  Action the word has been used in so many ways throughout current time such as when the director says "action" when it is time to do the take or action when it is time to do something instead of sitting around on your keester or when you see an ad for a movie and it says that it is "action-packed" or when the politician says we must stand up and take "action" or when it is time to write that dreaded paper you have put off or when the student is in trouble and the teacher says that your "actions" are not lady or gentleman-like.  Some of us know action all too well.  We know how to get things done.  Some know in-action all too well and are content with just using their imaginations to take them to far off lands.  Some people find themselves in that in-between state of action and non-action- that state is kind of like a meditative state where one is not holding on to anything but just allowing for whatever comes up (though there may be some good bits in there that do come up and are worth noting). 

What is worth noting is that we have the time to both sit and ponder and wonder and to also take some form of action.  And it is good.  It's all good.  Do what feels good.  Be in the moment.  Here on Easter people celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  I wonder what they are doing in India for Easter as a Muslim or a Hindi or Buddhist.  Maybe they are celebrating with us.  I wonder if we could have state sanctioned holidays that were based not on one religion but instead around multiple belief systems- systems that  celebrate self-empowerment and kindness.  Then maybe we would be more curious about how others believe and step into their shoes, or beside them as a friend likes to say, and see what it feels like to experience their experience. 

Can we ever really fully live someone else's experience?  Can we truly be nailed to the cross?  I am celebrating you Christian for your belief in humanity.  I am celebrating you Paegan for your celebration of the Earth.  I am celebrating you Muslim for bringing compassion and insight to the world.  I am celebrating you Buddhist for showing us what it is like to be aware of self (or non-self).  I am aware.  Of some things.  Other things I need a mirror, such as the one I wish to hug, to show me.  And it is good.  And we can laugh with each other. 

I hope.  I wish for you.  I feel and see and know the light in me and experience that contentedness and so when I see you I can experience that knowing with you and so be with you more fully.

In this wondrous universe there are things that are certainly still not explainable but I will make, scientists will make, anyone in particular will make, a stab at it.  Just don't stab me, only nudge.  Gently.   

The Bunny Manifesto — Wait But Why

Picture Source.  A funny website I stumbled upon searching for a bunny rabbit-


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