Under a Tent with a Bag of Bread

Good afternoon or rather evening friends, I think.  Maybe you are not a friend but enjoy or perhaps not reading this blog.  I do not know.  There is so much I really do not know such as why my AmeriCorps friend didn't really talk to me today at the Grover Street Farmer's Market.  I think it is the Grover Street, maybe there is a side street called Grover's street because the Market is at the Christ United Methodist church on Glenwood and Florida.  I helped set-up and take down and also manned a booth selling bread, greens, eggs, and some really freaking delish "hot candied onions."  I put them on a tomato I bought and was in heaven.  I also was eating some bread too that I got with some wooden coins purchased with my Snap benefits.  I got double the value for food items at the farmer's market.  Pretty sweet.  I rode my bike home with a huge bag of stuff.  I met some new folks too like this dude from Australia.  He gave me some chive onions on his way out.  Hopefully more people will show up next time.  It is Thursday from 6 to 8.  I left around 8:20 after starting to pack up around 7:53- no one was around and many had already packed up and left.  Maybe my AmeriCorps "friend" did not want to talk to me because I wasn't wearing a mask- maybe she thinks I am a douche because of this.  I can only speculate.  

I decided to not wear a mask several weeks ago.  I know it is contentious but I am not making too much of a thing with it I guess accept for talking about it right now because it is weird, a little, being the odd man out when most are wearing masks.  I do not have a really good reason, really.  If I went in to it I would say that I am really over the Covid-19 thing but it, of course, may not be done with us.  I do wash my hands and practice good hygiene.  I guess I want things to be normal again and so not wearing a mask makes me feel normal even though now it is normal to wear one.  I guess having worn one in the past .... at some point I was realizing that I was fearful of all the coronavirus stuff and so not wearing the mask has helped me get passed that feeling.  I think the fear and hysteria around the virus has helped spread it- I got this idea too from my angel friends (Ann Albers who channels them) but also that it just make sense to me.  The more fear we give something the more power it has and it grows.  Things are like that- they grow with attention and we have given this virus a lot of attention, for sure.  But it is ok if you do not believe that.  Maybe you think us humans are just simply biology and have no affect on our environment.  I am not one of those humans.  I believe we a divine beings living a human life and we have all the power of God within us- that is what makes us divine.  So, that is what I have been focusing on- being in the pace of love, and calm, and embracing my divinity.  I don't just do this on an intellectual level though, you can't otherwise you miss it.  You have to embrace your divinity on all levels- spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, everything.  Maybe you do that in meditation or when you practice yoga or read some inspired words or go to church- you can take those feelings, you can take that high vibration of love, joy, compassion, and connection to the universe and let it fill you and then beam that out.  I do my best to beam but I also do my best to be present with my thoughts and feeling and simply be aware as best I can.  I am being aware when I find myself again lapsing into fear- did I wash my hands?  Oh, no I touched my face, or why isn't she talking to me, did I do something wrong?  Those things.  And when I notice them I just go, oh, there is that feeling again, let me shift that a bit.  Let me be love.  Let me deepen my love.  I felt so good after Kundalini Yoga practice this morning that I was really beaming.  I want to continue this practice everyday because it is really helping me to beam.

Wherever you are in life I know you can beam too with or without a mask.  I know you have your philosophy and I have mine and all is well.  I appreciate you wherever you are.  In the words of the great master Jesus- that which I have done you will do and greater.  When we know we all are the sons and daughters of God, and when we know we are all family, and all connected through spirit, we will know that we are spirit and that everything is spirit is us and that everything that is spirit is God is us.  

In this wondrous universe there is something called love and what love is is tangible; you can feel it and when you do you will know there is more than just biology to the human being (and others too like the dolphins and whales).

By the way it was nice to see you all today and I do not hold anything against you.  Thank you.



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