Kahlulee, With Love
I really love the Little Free Libraries around town. Sometimes I feel really called to them. I picked up two treasures today from one of them: Selected Writings of Edgar Allen Poe and An Event In Autumn by Henning Mankell; I am not sure how treasurous that second one is but it is a mystery and I have been really digging mysteries lately. It is fun to put books into the Little Free Libraries too. Often they are McKay's rejects, but hey, they are still good books. Maybe they are tattered or they have too many of them or whatever to be rejected. It is nice to contribute since I like to take from these, oftentimes, gems of neighborhoods. Yes, I will find ones not just in my neighborhood. I know of at least four around where I live and have seen many more. Maybe one day I will put one up at my house if I ever have my house. "If I ever" is kind of lonesome and wanting; how about "when I have my own house.... " That is much more fun, exciting and hopeful.
I gentleman told me in the park today as I was walking my dogs that apparently where I was walking used to be under water and was a lake where people floated boats around, had picnics and, perhaps, fished. It was Lake Daniel here in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Here in North Carolina it has been rather hot, to put it mildly. I was at the beach and got super hot, burned in fact, from not wearing sunscreen the first day- oops. I have the AC on now in the house and this is what makes the South bearable. It's what makes the South great. We can go out and enjoy the paths and lakes and oceans, mountains, and such, and then retreat into the air conditioning. Frederick Jones, thank you for your inventiveness.
Writing for me is a way to unwind and share my experiences. It is like when your significant other comes home and you tell them how your day went and vice verse. I do not live with anyone other than my two dogs and cat so telling them about my day is not as fun as writing it all out to you folks.
Sometimes I am frustrated but I am reminded of a recent quote by Eckart Tolle to basically "let it go". I am still working on expressing myself in the moment exactly how I am feeling. Often that feeling comes, and the words to go with it, later. That is where the frustration comes in. You know the thought: I just should have said this or that, etc. But it is nice to figure it all out later. Then next time you are better prepared for whatever it is that you need to express. Express Yourself just like Madonna said. She played, and plays, music, Da Vinci and Jones invented things, Vincent painted, Edgar wrote poems, and I, well, do a little of everything.
I have been daydreaming about getting a piano recently. An actual piano would be great versus a keyboard but there are pros and cons. I really like the sound and feel of an acoustic piano. Sometimes keyboards are nice too and are more easily toteable. Maybe when I get a piano it will be in tune and will take the place of my couch, or perhaps go.... Where will it go?? I have a small one-bedroom apartment so the living room operates as an office and music room and with the addition of a piano... I do not see anyway around it, the couch will have to go. Maybe the piano could go in the kitchen. No. Maybe I will get a larger place. Hmmm. Maybe I will just get a keyboard- with keys the same size as a piano- that will not take up so much room!
The month of June on my wall calendar was of Edisto Island in South Carolina. I did not go there to the beach, I went to Hatters on the Outer Banks, but I have been to Edisto once or twice and found it lovely. There is what is known as the Gullah, or Geechee, there. They are descendants of African slaves. They have a specific dialect and talk in kind-of a pidgin English with African and English words co-mingling, intermingling. The book I am reading is based not in S.C. but N.C. and is called Where The Crawdads Sing. It is about the beach life and tells the story of a girl who is abandoned by her family in the marsh and how she makes it on her own. It brings in themes of racism, womanhood, love, murder, "isolation, adaptability" and nature and how we fit into it. Kind of a nature vs. humanity/humanity vs. humanity book. It is nicely written and is the authors' Delia Owens, first book. She was a biologist for a long time and had the idea to write this book for a long time. So far it is good but I get lulled into my Robert B. Parker' Spenser books more often than not.
I hope you are enjoying your day and enjoying your fish and veg stew or talking a walk on the wild side of the sidewalk amoungst the trees.
It is nice to walk amoung them
And feel them as beings
Those trees, they provide so much
Thank you for listening. I hope that your day has been enlivening.
With love,

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