Free of the Mist

A breath will do a person good. 

It is late for some, past 11 o' clock.  I have watched Netflix, read, ate (twice this evening), played some Words With Friends, made a chess move or two on the Chess app, and sleep is still not available. He, or she, is out to lunch as the great Douglas Adams would say.  What a saga he wrote.  

I remember when I was working on a saga, so to speak, and in it there was an elusive enemy called the Xyla.  It reminds me of the Coronavirus today.  It is there, you can't see it, it's deadly and causing mayhem on the news where, so far, is the only place I have experienced it.  Yes, from others on the Facebook or from accounts from friends but not first hand.  So far I have managed to keep the Xyla at bay, as far as I know anyways as I have not been tested.  

In this "saga" I was working on, a boy goes on a journey and encounters all kinds of cool things.  It was kind of like The Hobbit.  I had fun writing it.  I have the recollection of it being stored on an old memory storage device, a device in which I might have trouble retrieving.  I think it was a Zip disc.   

I started writing this story when I was taking a creative writing class.  It was a short story about a Flog, a Hobbit like creature that lived at the base of a well.  My teacher felt like my short story was not quite finished so I just kept writing, even after the class's completion, and from there the saga sprung.  

It was around the time of my AT hike in 2003.  Before that.  I was working in the UT library as a security guard, safely securing the computer console I was writing from.  I remember I used to write directly into an old email account, save it, then continue the next day.  One word at a time and so many each day.  

I wonder where I might start again.  What would be my motivation?  What's important?  It's when I start doing spiritual work, and focusing on myself more, that I start to work on projects.  It's like I awaken something inside so that I cannot sleep.  

Free of the Mist

Life continues on

in the mist

and when it ceases

I am free

Thank you for reading friends.  

Within this wondrous universe we have technology, computer consoles, Star Trek, and our minds to guide us and conceive of, do, and create anything we can imagine.  I hope that you are imagining all the goods things.


  1. I'd love to hear more about the Flog vs. the Xyla. Get writin' Lulee! Your mind is your greatest motivator.


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