Healing Pains

 It is quiet out.  Let's back up.  It is Earth date 9.24.2020.  I'm in Greensboro, NC.  It's night out.  

It is not quite quiet out but it really is pretty quiet.  It never gets real quiet or, rather, silent.  There is always the hum of the fridge and the crickets cricketing out the open window.  Even in meditation when those sounds filter out and you are with your mind or with Spirit or on a Journey there is not silence.  I wonder what complete silence might feel like.  Deafening.  Like when you are in the mountains and you get quiet but then you start to feel and hear the vibration of the mountain.  I imagine being in outer space and experiencing the silence there.  Does space have sound? 

I have been driving for Lyft.  They offer these streaks at certain times where, if you give three rides in a row, you get a bonus.  That is where I am at now; working on bonuses.  It is pretty good driving aside from my broken foot.  I feel it is getting better a bit.  The swelling is not so bad.  The pain is there though.  If I hit the bonuses sometimes they are at eleven at night or, like tomorrow, five in the morning. 

The ankle hurts now sitting in this chair.  When all the blood rushes to it in the morning it is really annoying.  I think I am getting better at adjusting to the pain, that, or the pain is lessening or I am becoming sensitized to it.  

I know we might get swept away by the news or our work.  Fortunately, we have choice.  Lately my choice has been news off and with the work, I try to find the difficult points amusing or to not react in a personalized way.  I try to see the individualistic character traits of each person that gets into my car.  Sometimes they are jarring, sometimes they are harmonizing.  Often it is neutral.  

Sometimes I will tune into love, as if it were a force outside of me, and let that be my focus.  Mostly I am working on keeping my mind on what I am doing.  This can be challenging at times.  My mind may be swept away in a pleasurous thought or a plan for the future.  Those are wonderful things and it is said that energy does not know the difference.  Vibration and energy is not recognizing whether it is imagined or "real".  For example, if I want to heal my body imagining it as young, whole and healed is how to manifest a young and healthy body.  Your body does know if you are faking it though and don't believe that it is possible.  You need to believe to see the results.  I keep imagining but when I am driving I may miss my turn so if I get too far into the imagining it is best to return to my five senses (mostly).  If you count thought, well, there is the meditation.  Watch the thoughts and then return to the road.  I do have passengers in my car and my main concern is their safety.  Crazy.  People entrust me, with a few dollars sometimes, to get them to where they are going. 

When I get involved the pain goes away for just a moment.  I hope that I keep getting involved.  I know the pain is there for a reason, which in this case, is to allow my foot to heal.  I think that is probably the main reason why we have it- to allow for healing.  Apply that to all your life situations and you just may have something to work with.  

I will drive again soon for a bit to go for the streak!  I'll enjoy the cool and, for now, the rest.  I hope you do too.

In this wondrous universe we all have a place which is why it is so wondrous. 


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