One Step
Today is a new day, the 11th of October, as you can see above, but thought I would reaffirm that for me (and you). Eleven is a Master Number. It means "doorway to illumination". Illumination means lit up, as in your mind is clear and light (not thinking too much or bogged down by "weighty" thoughts). Illumination means you are aware of more of the processes that are going on within and around you such as your feelings, your own thoughts (and repetitive thoughts that may be not helping you see clearly); aware of the things that are making you happy (the thoughts that make you happy) and aware of those that aren't and then constantly adjusting because the illumination is guiding you. You can be guided by illumination by taking that first step towards wanting more clarity, setting your intention to this. Once that starts it doesn't stop, but often one needs to reaffirm it. You might say in affirmation, "I love you, Kahlulee," or "You are grand," or "I am healthy and whole and am seeing life as a playground".
Fear often gets in the way which comes in the form of our thoughts talking us out of something that we had initially felt inspired to do. Even simply walking the dogs. How often do we talk ourselves out of doing that? Maybe even getting a dog so that you have one to walk is a step, maybe even a big step. Perhaps volunteering at the local dog shelter is better, at first, just to see. You may even meet someone there, if you are lonely.
You gotta take those steps so that you can get out of the rut you may be in. You know, when you go around and around the rut just gets deeper. When you change your thoughts/patterns/habits you break free of the circle and the rut and form, perhaps, a wider circle, with a fresh start, until that feels rutted and you continue outward in ever increasing concentric circles, like a ripple in a pond, with each ripple becoming more faint until finally there is no ripple and there is just water.
It is nice when you are just water, even for a moment. That is when you are breathing and feeling good and noticing, everything, as it comes, like when you're on a walk and you notice the tree branches as you pass by, with the drips of water and the dark bark in some places and lighter bark in other places; the footsteps and the curiosity of your dog who wants to pull you this way but you have to guide it and not follow its every whim just like you don't follow every whim you have. You got to pick and choose. Which one brings you joy? Which ones don't? Follow the joy. It's that simple.
Each moment is like a moment that builds upon itself. Sometimes multiple bad moments add up to one big heap of shit. Yet, with one breath and change of perspective the moment can change- for the better.
It's necessary to go through the pain, though. You don't want to skip over it otherwise it will just keep skipping right back, like a shadow. You got to confront the dark side as Luke Skywalker did. Once he faced Darth Vader and saw that he was only a part of himself that wasn't feeling loved, he overcame it and peace reigned the universe over. For a time, until the next battle was to be fought because there are always battles. It is how we fight them, though, that makes all the difference. So many ways to do that. A friend once said to see difficulty as a curiosity, a wondering. Like Spock from Star Trek might. Does he have a last name? Some great threatening thing seen as a mere curiosity. Then our intuition enters, and we listen, and everything changes.
What's that? It's kind of like a bird just knows to fly south or a whale to follow the ley lines. An intuition is a thought that just pops in sometimes and you follow it. Or you get a hunch about something and you follow it (or not). You think it might lead to danger but remember, those dangers are just curiosities. Use this approach when loneliness, and such, strikes, and the curious mind will devour whatever it is that's bothersome.
With each breath we breathe the world presents itself to us because we are the world allowing presentations to occur. We adjust and shift our thoughts, feelings and even beliefs and the world starts to present itself differently as less threatening, more curious and even illuminating, because each shifting moment shows us something about our self. And when we learn about our self and see the world as a reflection of our self we can really go deep; can let go; can accept; can be curious; can take the helm and navigate which ever way we want to go. Some may come along with us, and some may not. But we/you are at the helm, in control with the waters splashing on the bow and stern and all sides until you steer yourself to clear waters or to chaos or to wherever you want to go for the next adventure.
When you know the illumination you know that the boat is you, your body, everything, then you can direct the body and boat, instructing it what to do.
Dear Body, I love you. Listen, we are hurting a bit. We are going to ease up on the hurting and allow release. We are allowing more love and illumination to enter the hurt, seeing it for what it is, some thought or emotion that never got addressed or released. We may not know for sure what those thoughts or emotions are but we are going to release them right now. Dear body, I love you and we are rejuvenating with each moment.
And then we breathe, and know, in this wondrous universe, that all is well. With each passing moment, our dreams are coming true because we keep shifting towards that which feels, thinks and looks, best.
Blessings. And many thanks.
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