Love Universal

 Hello dear friends.  Thank you for tuning in.  

I wonder if what we do each day changes how we go about our day.  We'll it does.  Sometimes we need to stop, tune in, and reset.  Kryon helps me with this.  My pups help me with this.  Meditation.  Reiki.  The Sun.  Talking to friends and family.  

The insects drone in beautiful cheeps and chirps and sustained dwirrs.  This is probably the most quiet neighborhood that I can remember living in, Glenwood.  This is what I wanted.  Knoxville, I did not get that because the interstate was always nearby and I could hear it.  I am grateful to be in such a place now.  

I have envisioned being in the out-of doors, living and playing and being- my pups able to run around freely.  Growing things and allowing nature to be.  Humans plant things and we learn and grow and eat.  Maybe there is a business, but mostly the business is to learn and become self-enriched, with ourselves and with the land and with each other.  Our jobs are to sustain this connection to the land and to each other with Spirit.  Food comes easy.  It is picked from the branch or the ground.  We need little for the photons, the energy within the between layers, feeds us.  It is a subtle energy that connects to our subtle bodies.  If we allow for it it is all our body needs.  But we like to eat and chew and our body, we, are used to solid foods.  This is changing.  Have you seen how popular smoothies are these days?  It's going in this direction.  

I will go to Lyft again soon and hit the bonuses.  Yesterday I slept through them!  Last night when I said I was going out, I fell right to sleep!!  

Enjoy the sleep.  

Thanks friends for tuning in.  I will just say that you are loved and I love you.  I don't always feel this way and am needy for the body desires.  When I tune into true love that is in and all around those desires fade for a time and all is well.

Blessings to you.  I will do my best to receive those blessings given.

In a wonderful universe full of so much we do not know may we know that all that seems foreign and weird will one day be commonplace.


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