Inner Sun


Today I saw many cats on my newspaper route.  It was unusual.  Unusual too that yesterday I had asked someone I know if he wanted to take my cat.  I think my cat too seemed a bit down about the notion- cats are psychic, picking up on feelings and such.  I know when I am not feeling well my cat will come and lay beside me, all night, if needed.  

I think of the people who have come and gone by their own hand: Robin Williams, Justin Townes Earl, Earnest Hemingway, Nietzsche.  Sometimes... we... it is not really great to go there.  But...

I stopped doing my videos but still the need to create and express arises so I write.  What about?  Death?  Suicide?  How about life?  Hemingway wrote a book called The Sun Also Rises and right now the sun is beginning to arise from death.  I know that with each new day there is promise, even with all the tears and sadness, there is promise.  I don't remember the book too much but I do remember liking it.  I love the way his words flow.  It is nice to be transported.  

Look for the promise that the day holds.  I will do it too.  May your inner sun shine all the more brightly knowing that inner sun is what you are truly, deep down, made of.  


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