It's Been a While
Greetings. I have not posted in a while. This may be short and sweet because my arm aches from an accident. I say accident though, perhaps, it was simply a way of the Universe, my Higher-Self, letting me know to be more in-tune to my environment.
Since my last entry I moved to Kansas and, as usual, it has been a wild learning ride. It is like I went to an amusement park and, well, sometimes it was less than amusing. But, I have done some things of note. I started an online school, which I love. I also bought a van as a project and have been getting help with it and working on it myself. I begun unraveling a dream I had about a game and that has been fun too.
The Kansas summer has been rolling by and the nights are getting a little cooler, enough to go without air-conditioning. The weather of late has been quite beautiful actually: sunshine, cool mornings and nights, pleasant temperatures. I have made some friends in yoga circles; chess circles; uke circles; I even went to a bridge group the other night. I have met some folks through various work-related activities too.
I believe I will say goodnight for now. It was great checking-in, and I would like to do more of this, what-we-call, writing.
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