Journey In The Mist

Greetings.  Welcome to a wondrous universe blog.  

Today it rained and was cloudy most of the day.  I enjoy days like this.  The sunshine has been marvelous as of late but the rain and the cool inspired me to go for a bike ride.  On my bike ride I saw a couple people that I know.  One I talked to, the other I just saw.  I had to process some emotions and got through them (mostly) and ended up having a pretty good conversation with the one I spoke with.  I was at a farmer's market and saw her and thought, "Hey, I know her, I know that face."  I asked and she reminded me we worked together once for a couple months.  It was nice seeing her.  While there, I bought some fresh vegetables, squash, and also got garlic, cantaloupe and peaches.  I have been eating quite a bit of fruit lately as well as mung bean or lentil soup.  It is part of an ayurvedic diet that I am trying.  So far, so good.  I still do eat some processed things, like a veggie chicken pattie, and some wheat, like one piece of sourdough bread with the pattie, but mostly I am sticking to the soup and fruit and cereal- gluten free- with a plant-based milk.  I do eat chocolate and sometimes have sweets like Sweedish Fish.  I am drinking tea too, like mint or green.  

I just want to say that wherever you are and whatever is going on in your life that you are loved.  Remember to feel that.  Remember to remember that.  Even in your most desperate hour, you are loved.  

Thank you for reading and I hope your next moments are joyous and love-centered.


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