Community Eats

Greetings.  Come, tune-in to your heart with me.  Sending light to Ukraine, Russia, Florida, all the people and creatures, animals, trees, fairies, dragons, unicorns, ancestors, planetary beings, everyone, everything, all the the things, small and large, everywhere, sending and connecting light, love, abundance and joy.  

The weather has been fantastic.  Right now it is a cool seventy degrees in the nighttime here in Lawrence, Kansas.  There are still sunflowers in bloom and, more notably, the Franklin's Seagulls are flocking through the area.

Kansas is part of the Heartland and one of my books- one book that I have looked through, at least- I remember recalling a map of the world and the map included all the chakras of the Earth.  Right in Kansas is the Heart Chakra.  I tune-in to that.  Would you join me?  It is very powerful.  

One action-step I want to take is to see if people in my community want to participate in a community potluck.  

Thank you for being a part of this writing.  My heart is open to you.    

Art by Aingeal Rose


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