Full Moon Choice

It is that time of the month when the moon is at its fullest.  You may notice that people might be a little extra edgy or a little more joyful or a little more this...  Just last night I was a little more.  So I took a moment to breathe and focus on shifting my little more of this to a little more of that.  That which I chose was peace.  I was inspired by someone's full moon peace mediation Meetup.  Though I didn't go I could still release my little more of what I was feeling and tap into peace.  It helped.  

We are all planetary bodies, so to speak, and we all can influence each other but we do get to choose if we want to be influenced or not.  We can go with the flow, the tide, the way that things are, or we can break away and choose our own feelings, our own path, our own thoughts.  We may be the exception but this is a very good thing.  Exceptions bring ripples.  

I found it necessary to let go; I often find it necessary to let go of the little more's and sometimes the little lesses and to turn on that which is more peace and helpful for me.  

A new moon would be a time to make a clear intention about how you might like the month to go.  When you do that and when the full moon comes that intention will be in full bloom.  For instance, I intend that my class will go well.  Speeding time up and compacting the full moon cycle into two days, today is the new moon and tomorrow is the full which is when the class is.  This day will be the manifesting of bringing about a great class: it will go smoothly and gracefully; it will be creative; I will help others to be creative by offering meditations and exercises; it will be a safe space; we will create community where we can feel free to create and share with ease because I/we/all of us bring the calm and the loving nature needed to create a safe space.  

The next new moon that arises remember it.  Take a few moments and see what you might like to manifest that month.  According to my moon app the next new moon is in 14 days.  I didn't really need to look because it was just the full moon last night but I thought I'd check anyways.  It also tells which zodiac the moon is in, like now the full moon is in the tropical zodiac of Cancer which tells me that maybe we are wanting to create a home space or be with family and experience some of the nurturing attributes of Cancer.  

When the full moon comes


And when the full moon takes ahold


And when you feel deeply


And when you remember to


You can change from this to 



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