l o v e l e t t e r s

hello everyone.  thank you for joining.  today has been a lovely day.  when i go to new places, like the laundry mat and meet new people, it is always a good day.  

it has been warmer here in kansas recently.  it has been, generally, a warmer winter.  

i wanted to say to you that i enjoy this time together.  i wanted to say that i am learning the ancient healing secrets with dr. naram.  this delves into aryuvedic science and lifestyle.  it is nice to meet people here too, in the course.  also, i am learning a lot in the course.  soon we have a thirty day mung bean soup fast that i am participating in.  i am looking forward to this cleanse.  

i need to find each day inspiration in my life.  i need to enjoy kindness and be kind.  this helps me through the day.  my dog helps me through a lot but it is nice to be independent.  the co-dependence with our earth family, our human friends, is so natural.  often it seems we are alone.  so to reach out to human friends is nurturing.  we can nurture ourselves.  so many ways to do this.  i like to take a few breaths and breathe in the air.  this helps me tune-in to my body and emotions.  emotionally i always feel better when i take time to consciously breathe.  almost always- like 99 percent always- breathing helps clear energy.  breathing helps clear mental clutter as well.  breathing puts me in touch with my spirit!  

when i am in touch with my spirit the humanness of me that feels disconnected disappears.  i am always coming back to this inspiration of connection.  i am always coming back to the nurturing.  i am always coming back to my spirit.  my spirit helps me tune-in to joy and l o v e.  my heart opens even writing about l o v e.  

i am grateful for this ancient secrets hundred day experience.  i am grateful for the wisdom being passed on by dr. naram, dr. clint g rogers and friends.  

i think of you all often- everyone of you.  i miss you.  

i am here in kansas enjoying all the hues. i am learning the people and culture.  i am making friends and renewing old friendships.

thank you for taking the time to tune-in with me.  wishing you all a great week!!!  

i  l o v e  y o u  


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