Potential New Beginnings

It's evening and a bit earlier then when I wrote yesterday so I am more cognizant for writing.  

It's me, Goliath and my cat, O' Malley, on the couch.  What will I do without a couch?  If all goes as planned I don't think there will be room for a couch in my new abode but maybe there will be room for a love seat.  There are couches in the abode but not sure if Goliath and O' Malley will be able to hang out there with me, especially O' Malley because there is already a cat living there.  

My new abode is a community housing coop and there are at least twenty people already living there.  I have lived in a dorm before- that's the closest comparison I have in this life to the cooperative living.  We'll cook together and we each have chores assigned to us on a weekly basis that is decided on during the weekly house meeting.  I still need to be approved to live there and might still need to meet everyone again (for the third time) so we'll see. 

I am wishing you wellness, happiness and soul nourishment.  



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