Sound, No Sound
A Facebook friend recommended I write about deafness. I think of Helen Keller. I saw this play in high school. I remember the actress very clearly. She was very dramatic! I know she worked so hard to achieve what she did. Being deaf, as a state of being, is living without one sense, hearing. I wonder what it is like to not hear the external world but only hear your thoughts? I wonder what it would be like to imagine what a dog sounds like barking having never heard a dog bark. It is like a silent movie and you have to imagine what the sounds might sound like. Or maybe you do not think about the sound at all. It would be interesting to get a person's who is deaf take on what it is like to not have that sense. Here is a short video I found on what it is like to communicate while being deaf. The primary narrator, Rachel, says that communication is never a given. Interestingly, that being deaf may be somewhat analogou...