
Showing posts from August, 2022

Inner Sun

Welcome.   Today I saw many cats on my newspaper route.  It was unusual.  Unusual too that yesterday I had asked someone I know if he wanted to take my cat.  I think my cat too seemed a bit down about the notion- cats are psychic, picking up on feelings and such.  I know when I am not feeling well my cat will come and lay beside me, all night, if needed.   I think of the people who have come and gone by their own hand: Robin Williams, Justin Townes Earl, Earnest Hemingway, Nietzsche.  Sometimes... we... it is not really great to go there.  But... I stopped doing my videos but still the need to create and express arises so I write.  What about?  Death?  Suicide?  How about life?  Hemingway wrote a book called The Sun Also Rises and right now the sun is beginning to arise from death.  I know that with each new day there is promise, even with all the tears and sadness, there is promise.  I don't remember t...

My Neighbor

Good evening.  It is evening here in Lawrence, Kansas; almost 6 o' clock.  Wherever you are are I hope your evening is, your morning is, your day is, going great.   My neighbor has a boy.  He is very excited whenever he sees me.  I enjoy seeing him as well.  Whenever we don't resist things go so much easier.  Like if you are not wanting to see someone and you try and avoid that someone it is like trying to avoid something within you.  But if you are at peace and just go with the flow then whatever arises, whatever you create, you accept and are fulfilling an agreement with yourself.  If you avoid and neglect and decline your creation that sends a mixed signal to the universe.  The signal I want to send to the universe is one of joy so that the universe can compliment my feelings and wanting of joy by aligning to and with that joy.  This is law of attraction.  In my words, I create a forest and a walk and a talk and then a ...


Greetings.  Thank you for tuning-in to A Wondrous Universe.  Today was nice.  And it still is.  I just ate a few bites of chocolate, had a smoothie and went for a sunset walk at a town park with my dog, Goliath.  I ran into someone and they said that my dog seems confident.  Later on I thought of the course I wrote Love. Your. Pets.  I often don't think to advertise on the spot.  But the geese were out and the sun illuminated the sky with red, yellows, and oranges, then blues and purples.  There is so much exquisiteness in the world.   I hope your heart is illuminated like the Sun.   Thank you for reading.    

Journey In The Mist

Greetings.  Welcome to a wondrous universe blog.   Today it rained and was cloudy most of the day.  I enjoy days like this.  The sunshine has been marvelous as of late but the rain and the cool inspired me to go for a bike ride.  On my bike ride I saw a couple people that I know.  One I talked to, the other I just saw.  I had to process some emotions and got through them (mostly) and ended up having a pretty good conversation with the one I spoke with.  I was at a farmer's market and saw her and thought, "Hey, I know her, I know that face."  I asked and she reminded me we worked together once for a couple months.  It was nice seeing her.  While there, I bought some fresh vegetables, squash, and also got garlic, cantaloupe and peaches.  I have been eating quite a bit of fruit lately as well as mung bean or lentil soup.  It is part of an ayurvedic diet that I am trying.  So far, so good.  I still do eat some p...

It's Been a While

Greetings.  I have not posted in a while.  This may be short and sweet because my arm aches from an accident.  I say accident though, perhaps, it was simply a way of the Universe, my Higher-Self, letting me know to be more in-tune to my environment.   Since my last entry I moved to Kansas and, as usual, it has been a wild learning ride.  It is like I went to an amusement park and, well, sometimes it was less than amusing.  But, I have done some things of note.  I started an online school, which I love.  I also bought a van as a project and have been getting help with it and working on it myself.  I begun unraveling a dream I had about a game and that has been fun too.   The Kansas summer has been rolling by and the nights are getting a little cooler, enough to go without air-conditioning.  The weather of late has been quite beautiful actually: sunshine, cool mornings and nights, pleasant temperatures.  I have made som...