
Showing posts from October, 2020

One Step

Today is a new day, the 11th of October, as you can see above, but thought I would reaffirm that for me (and you).  Eleven is a Master Number.  It means "doorway to illumination".  Illumination means lit up, as in your mind is clear and light (not thinking too much or bogged down by "weighty" thoughts).  Illumination means you are aware of more of the processes that are going on within and around you such as your feelings, your own thoughts (and repetitive thoughts that may be not helping you see clearly); aware of the things that are making you happy (the thoughts that make you happy) and aware of those that aren't and then constantly adjusting because the illumination is guiding you.  You can be guided by illumination by taking that first step towards wanting more clarity, setting your intention to this.  Once that starts it doesn't stop, but often one needs to reaffirm it.  You might say in affirmation, "I love you, Kahlulee," or "You are g...

Available To All

There is a steady drizzle here in Greensboro, North Carolina.  It has been on and off all day.   I met with a friend today.  I got to spend one-on-one time with her, and it was nice.  I made butternut squash and apple soup, some edamame with a glaze sauce.  I drank kombucha and she water.  We walked the dogs together.  I had not walked the dogs in weeks because of my hurt foot but I did OK!   Sometimes my heart hurts and I feel lonely and want physical touch and snuggles.  I do not always get it.  Fortunately, I have my animals to keep me company and can give pets and get snuggles.   I may work for a bit tonight; I have no plans.  Rest would be good too, though.  My aunt always liked to repeat what her father would say, that, he'd rest when he was dead.  My body feels like it could use rest.   I know we yearn for love and want this with another person.  It is good that I do the healing We...


Greetings.   This is the time I look forward to everyday, being here with you (and me).  Our higher selves, as we co-collectively (that may be a bit of double positive) to create more oneness and healing.  I've just finished my time with Kryon who now does Healing Wednesday's.  I subscribed, so I get the recordings, so it is also Healing Thursday and, today, Friday, where I can enjoy and participate in the recording.   You may think you are old, and say you are old, that you have been on this planet a long time and that there is not much more for you, but think again.  When you realize your divinity and know that you are part of the Oneness, you will heal, and stop ageing, and be who you came here to be.   Being the knowingness that you are divine.  You are part of the Creative Source and in that being a part of you become Source.  You become connected to all the other sources out there that are one: you and me and everyone els...

Love Universal

 Hello dear friends.  Thank you for tuning in.   I wonder if what we do each day changes how we go about our day.  We'll it does.  Sometimes we need to stop, tune in, and reset.  Kryon helps me with this.  My pups help me with this.  Meditation.  Reiki.  The Sun.  Talking to friends and family.   The insects drone in beautiful cheeps and chirps and sustained dwirrs.  This is probably the most quiet neighborhood that I can remember living in, Glenwood.  This is what I wanted.  Knoxville, I did not get that because the interstate was always nearby and I could hear it.  I am grateful to be in such a place now.   I have envisioned being in the out-of doors, living and playing and being- my pups able to run around freely.  Growing things and allowing nature to be.  Humans plant things and we learn and grow and eat.  Maybe there is a business, but mostly the business is to learn ...

Enjoying Life

Greetings friends.  Thanks for being here.  It's been a long day.  It feels like one.  My head hurts.  I ate McDonald's and that may be partly why.  I might need to drink more water too.  Driving is not conducive to staying well hydrated, especially when you have a small bladder (I guess) and sometimes places do not have their restrooms open.   I could not, would not get up at 5 AM this morning to make the Lyft bonus.  Tonight I will shoot for the bonuses.   My neighbor is kind enough to walk the dogs too.  They love this.  I pay her too.   And the weather has been superb.  Sunny, clear and about 70 degrees, I am guessing.   There is some chance I may go to Canada again- if I can get in- and hang out with Ajahn Punnadhammo.  It has been about seven years since I have been to the small hermitage outside Thunder Bay.  It's called Arrow River Forest Hermitage and is a Thai Forest, Thera...


I live on Earth.  It's pretty here.  Sometimes there is trash about and people don't see her as their mother, as a mother, as a sentient being, but that is OK.  There is no evidence of it in a normal, human sort of way.  Like the whales, dolphins and other creatures of high intelligence, no real way to talk to the planet herself unless you are a chaneller and can relay her thoughts to others.  But there is a way, really, to talk to Her and know if she is for real.  It's easy, really.  We do it everyday.  You can listen to the birds or watch the clouds.  Sometimes she shakes too.  But it is not to harm us.  She just has to move, just like us, when there is energy stored up.   The moon shines down at night and softens things.  She too communicates and is just like the Earth, in a way.  Sentient.  Like Mars, like the Sun, all those planetary bodies.  The voice in my head says no.  I read once that the...

Sun Shine Free

Good morning.  It's a Sunday.  The dryer hums and some birds' squawk, off in the distance.  The sun is out and there is a coolness to the fall air.   The sun was shining and I closed my eyes.  This allowed me to cut my dogs, David, nails.    He is so brutal, at times, because so many times I have missed the mark and cut too high, which he hates, and then there is blood, which is no fun.  (He once bit my mom when she got too close and tried to pull out a tick.  He can be so sensitive sometimes but he has come a long way since).   The sun allowed me to release my fear and relax.  The sun gives and gives and when you receive it fully, basking in its warmth and omnipresence, it receives.  And it becomes more happy.  It appreciates more, it basks in your appreciation.   Choices can be a problem sometimes, not being able to make up ones' mind.  Sometimes it is like you are the rope and two people ha...