
Showing posts from May, 2023
Today I swam in the lake.  Goliath did not swim in the lake, he drank it, and later, frolicked in the river.  
Beautiful day today.  It was a sleepy day.  I did spend time in the park with Goliath.  I did yoga, too, with a class.  
I married another couple today, young couple.  They played the shoe game.  Never saw that one before.  I loved it.  
I've had a couple of wild birds lately stay on their perch as I walked closely by.  One had a yellow chest and the other a burgundy color with a curved beak, perhaps a Thrush.   The weather here in Kansas has been beautiful.  School is out so I have more time.  I have an aviation magazine my instructor loaned to me.  I enjoyed reading about the open cockpit planes and the backcountry planes.  It was nice landing twice on my last flight.  The airport at Vinland has a grass landing strip.    I must walk the dog before a wedding rehearsal tonight.  
I went up today.  It was many things.  I did get a better feel for the plane and even helped to land it.  More to come.
Today is forever.  Tomorrow is a hope.  
It's evening, after dinner.  An activity to remember to do is to send all of your cells love, to send them energy.   Go ahead and try it.  You'll thank yourself for it.

Trimming the Bushes

It's a beautiful day today- upper seventies, cool breeze, sunshine.  It's Sunday, a day of rest.   Mostly I have been doing projects.  I worked on my van- touched up on the paint job.  I fixed the hinges on a box I made out of pallet wood.  I also ordered a jasper sphere for the van.  I have several other crystals mounted in it.   The Cessna 152 was built in 1978, not 1977 (the year I was born).  A minor detail.  I didn't get a chance to go up in it due to the weather but I talked with my new instructor.  We went over the plane and talked about flying.  He showed me a aeronautical map and gave me a flight magazine to read.   I watch flight simulations on YouTube and also videos of people actually flying.  It is somewhat helpful.  I feel I am gaining more of a grasp on flying, at least intellectually.  It is doing it and getting the movements of flying embedded into my muscle memory.  Getting a...


It's dusk.  Quiet.  My belly is very full.  The taste of guava juice lingers in my mouth.   Tomorrow I go up.  That's the plan, if the weather is nice.  I've been doing this for a few times now, flying in a small single-propeller plane.   Tomorrow I go up with a new instructor.  I think it will be good.  I am happy about it.  The plane is a Cessna 152.  It was made about the same year I was born- 1977.  Seems old for a plane but I know they have updated some of the parts.  Planes have to have regular maintenance checks just like the bus I drive.   Flying requires quite a bit more finesse and skill than driving a bus.   I am imagining myself flying gracefully through the air.   Thank you for being with me here.

Potential New Beginnings

It's evening and a bit earlier then when I wrote yesterday so I am more cognizant for writing.   It's me, Goliath and my cat, O' Malley, on the couch.  What will I do without a couch?  If all goes as planned I don't think there will be room for a couch in my new abode but maybe there will be room for a love seat.  There are couches in the abode but not sure if Goliath and O' Malley will be able to hang out there with me, especially O' Malley because there is already a cat living there.   My new abode is a community housing coop and there are at least twenty people already living there.  I have lived in a dorm before- that's the closest comparison I have in this life to the cooperative living.  We'll cook together and we each have chores assigned to us on a weekly basis that is decided on during the weekly house meeting.  I still need to be approved to live there and might still need to meet everyone again (for the third time) so we'll s...
It's nighttime; bedtime to be more precise.  Still not sleeping though.  It's been a busy day.  There are many hours to get the things that need to be done done.  I got them done.  I just did them.  And I did a lot today!, so I should be tired!!!   It's me and the pup in the bed.  He hasn't been in the bed with me in a bit but as I came to bed, there he was in it... waiting.  Goliath, he is a miracle, like me, like you, like existence.  Existence is a miracle.  It started from the heart, from the desire to create.  Now here we are creating.  I really appreciate everyone's help.   Now it is getting to be sleepy time.   Goodnight. 💗
It's nighttime.  Rained a little and the temperature dropped.  Fan is on, window is open.  I am digesting.  Rethinking what I am digesting.  I like noticing people's thinking.  People's behaviors and what drives it.  When I remember the angels and the Abraham teachings of the Law of Attraction, I recall that compassion piece.  That piece of service and doing our best and also standing up for ourself and speaking our truth.  Speaking and being and aligning with our soul.  Different from our ego but part of it.   I like imagining, I like following what my imagination, what my intuition says to me.  I was imagining having fruit salad with new housemates.  But why wait?  I went ahead and bought that imagined melon.  I eased through the grocery store and bought all the things I imagined plus some other things that I get as staples plus another new item I was imagining and the bill without tax came to $33.11....
It's couch time like my grandpa papa used to love.  It's settling in, resting.  It's the time when the cat comes and settles on me too like my grandpa papa used to do with the little dog.  Papa as in Lima Mike November Papa, the phonetic alaphabet.  Often it is a nap couch.  I bought a trampoline and have been bouncing and feeling good with that.  It helps to lessen my nap time and increase my energy level.  I did wake up early, probably because of the nap yesterday.  But the waking up early created a tiredness today.  So, here I lay now on the couch which will be gone soon because I don't plan on taking it when I move.  There will be other couches to rest and nap on.  I would like to fall asleep a little later... stay up a bit until night falls.  I like that expression.  I wish you a beautiful night.  Rest well.  Wake up rejuvenated.  See you in the morning. 

Sage Tree

I enjoy a couch and a cat on my lap.  I enjoy two ice cream drum sticks.  Two was probably too much.   It's been hotter than usual but my AC is still off.  This is my time to lean in to my heart.  It is full.  It shines.   I listen to the tree on my walk.  Goliath is happy in the woods at the dog park.  The air is clean and I breathe it in.  The water is pure and I drink it.  I drink it to cleanse my body.  

Sunday Breath

Most of us have our memories.  Each day we create new ones.  I remember a Buddhist teaching saying that our emotions are not really us.  They are an experience; a passing wave.  We can turn our attention to another memory or emotion if the one we are experiencing isn't pleasant.  Or, as the teaching goes, we can be with it and breathe through it so that when the next wave comes we are prepared for it.   It's the morning time on a Sunday.  There is a gentle breeze moving the leaves on the tree.  When I get up and go out I'll breathe it all in.  I may be sad some of the time but I'll keep walking.  I'll create new memories.  I will create memories. I love you.  

The Gift of Time

During the awakening process pain will arise.  The best thing to do is to meet it.  Feel it.  Write about it.  Talk about it.  Let your heart open to it.  Let love become your greatest ally.   We can distract ourselves from pain.  We do do this.  Doing that just prolongs the healing process.   Healing from a broken heart, for instance, takes a lot of self-love, forgiving and letting go.  It takes being fully present.  It takes courage.  Friends, going on retreats, running- these things will help.  Yoga, tai chi, many things.  Taking some breaths and being in your body.   Feeling your emotions fully.  This takes time.  Give yourself the gift of time.   I love you.  


During my process of growth, I've gone back and forth from enlightenment and awakening to old habits.  It is wonderful to touch grace but then the grace falls so easily when I fall into others creation, habits, and vibration.  It is not to blame the other, it is simply to note that the old habits return and die hard.  Many of the people that I let myself be changed by (in a not so good way) were my down fall.  It sounds rather harsh, but put in another way, I allowed myself to be controlled by others because I was, perhaps, selfish and greedy, or fearful, and my ego, perhaps, got the better of me.  Those were the real things that lead me astray.   Other people may have represented those things but they were not those things.  They are angels and divine beings just like me.  It has been learning the hard way because I didn't want to listen.  I just got sucked in by emotions, old habits, or trying to get something from someone they couldn'...

Unfolding Dreams

I look out from my bus window and see the familiar adult playing with the soccer ball, the kids circled around playing a game.  It's a 70- something degree day with a breeze and sunshine.  The moon is full.  I always feel a difference in the air when the moon is full.  There is more energy around, a heightened or elevated, amped-up feeling.   I know this connection with myself and God is unique.  What brings me closer to the connection of God within is when I have these heart-to-hearts with you, with me.   It is always present.  I can only be with it and allow it to flow through me, not expecting anything from others.  Not expecting others to feel the same way.   Affirmation:  I am present and looking forward to the mystery that will unfold.  I am creating my own reality.  I allow my dreams to unfold naturally.  I gracefully move in the direction of my dreams.   I love you.  I miss you....