Reflection of Heaven
There is a saying, "Time will tell". It told. Now here I am, in Greensboro, my two dogs and a cat, living life to the best of my ability. Some things just don't work out, some do. Time will tell. I have been enjoying my swims. I can tell that my right shoulder is taxed because swimming upsets it. I have to find balance and stretch it. Always the right side of my body: right foot, right shoulder, right forearm. I think I need to adjust my thinking? After all the left brain governs the right side of the body. But its not all about the brain. The brain is an organ. The mind is consciousness. What is my mind telling me I need to do? How does the shoulder equate to my minds' telling? Ease up. Work out. Stretch. Be at peace. It is hard to be at peace when you miss someone because your heart longs. I guess I will just have to let it long so it has its way. I wouldn't wa...